Workshops & Events

Art of Masculinity


Sunday, December 9th, 2018, from 10.30 – 18.30
Have you ever thought of your life as a form of Art?  Modern men’s work has become synonymous with brotherhood exercises which test men’s bravery through competition and requirements to challenge one another but often leave out significant portions of a man’s life.  In this one day workshop we will explore themes like gratitude, intuition and creativity- topics which are often absent from the dialogue about men’s lives.  We will also explore the role that a man’s vitality plays in creating the kind of life which satisfies his own vision of himself… his own work of Art.
Atithi Brian Schock is a international teacher of Taoist Sacred Sexual practices and Tantra.  He lives in Athens, where he teaches regular Yoga and Qigong classes and is an avid student of Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine.
What to bring:
– a water bottle
– loose, comfortable clothing
– a notebook and pen
Cost: 60 euros (50 euros for men who attended Tao & Tantra Spa Retreat)
Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens
Sunday, December 9th, from 10.30 – 18.30

For more information email or call 210 654 3435 or 697 807 4464

Summer Solstice Qigong Ritual


June 21st, 2018, 10.30- 12.30
Χοροχώρος (Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός, 15562)
Already we have revolved once around the sun since the last summer solstice qigong ritual!  So fast time flies when we are immersed in our busy lives.  As noted in previous rituals the solstice is the point in time when the light is at its maximum; therefore yang is also at its zenith.  It also marks the moment when we begin our slow march toward winter and the shortest day of the year, or maximum yin.  Amazing isn’t it?!
It has been an intention of mine for years now to move in qigong, outdoors and I feel the this solstice practice represents the perfect opportunity to begin that tradition.  Therefore, please prepare for the practice by bringing the following items:
~ shoes for hiking on trails
~ trousers that are flexible enough for doing qigong and that also cover your lower legs
~ a water bottle, full
~ a cushion or mattress for a short meditation
~ layers of comfortable clothing
We will start out, walking, from Χοροχώρος (Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός, 15562) and the normal class time, 10.30 and walk for 15- 20 minutes in the park to the south and east of the studio.  There we will practice qigong in the silence and beaming natural health of the forest!  We will end with enough time to arrive back to the studio at (or near) the regular solstice practice timing of 12.30.  Please arrive on time as it will be difficult to guide you to our qigong spot by phone.
Please send a message from the contact page or contact us at 697 807 4464 or 210 65 43 435 to let us know you plan to attend.

Rite of Spring Qigong Ritual


Thursday, March 22nd, 2018, from 10.30 – 12.30

It is time again for the yearly Spring Equinox qigong ritual. The spring equinox is the moment in the earth’s cycle around the sun when, on its way toward summer (and the longest day of the year) in the northern hemisphere, the duration of day and night are exactly the same. In Chinese medicine physiology it is the moment of equilibrium during the yearly waning of yin and waxing of yang. As many of you know by now, this transition has an effect on our overall health, and the awareness of this transition can help us to make proper lifestyle choices as we progress toward a full yang ambient.

Please be aware that we will not being doing standing qigong forms for the full duration of that time. Also, feel free to encourage friends and relatives to come as this is open to everyone. If you plan to attend please R.S.V.P by calling the studio phone below.

Χοροχώρος, Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός, 15562
τιλ. 210 65 43 435


Awakened Masculinity- Sexual Mastery- Prague, CZ


May 24-27, 2018

In this module, we will be exploring our connection to sexuality, grounding, security, money and our wild erotic nature. The truth is nature has given a very powerful sexual drive to men. A man’s whole brain is flooded by hormones urging him to make love regularly and discover his capacity of being an ‘alpha male.’

How many of us have been educated in mastery of the erotic arts? Our most vital life experience embodied in sexuality has little or no education. This ignorance leaves many men lost, confused and disempowered.

During this module we use Taoist and Tantric practices to breathe, move and awaken our sexual energy. Learn how to channel this energy in and upward to open Kundalini and the Chakra system. When Kundalini is awakened and Chakras are in a dynamic flow and aliveness you will know true ecstasy in lovemaking. You will be a multi-orgasmic man playing with peaks and valleys of love making, lasting for hours.

We will also be teaching practices to help with male sexual issues such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and dealing with porn addiction. The combined wisdom of Tantra and Taoist practices offers a powerful transformative resource for every man, no matter what your age or previous experience in sexuality and in life.

Click here for more information and for booking.


5 Element Qigong Workshop with Atithi Brian Schock

Presenting the Mogadao 5 Phase Yin Tonifying Form

In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural cycles.

The terms Yin and Yang are one way the ancient Chinese sought to describe the dynamic and ever-changing experience of being human in the context of our natural world. Yin and yang feed each other, define each other and complete each other. The energies of yin and yang are present in each of us.

The Mogadao 5-phase Yin Tonifying form is a set of 5 gentle and calming movements which encourage the vibrancy and natural expression of the human body with regard to the specific, universal qualities of wood, metal, earth, fire and water- qualities which are omnipresent in our human lives. Taken together, these archetypal movements form a comprehensive set designed to nourish, balance and calm the entire being throughout any yin period of year, month or day.

Participants will learn:

~ A fundamental series of qigong forms

~ Subtle physical details

~ Essential poetic imagery

~ A unique spiritual significance

~ Tips on beginning a solo practice

Participants are encouraged to bring a notebook and pen for taking notes and to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Where: Heliodorus House, Provarma Villiage, Chania, Crete
When: Thursday, July 20th, from 18.00 – 21.30
For more information call Costas Tselios: 6972 784679.
These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.

5 Element Qigong Workshop


In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural laws and with the seasons. The movement between stability and transition becomes more ever-present the closer we come to our original destiny.

Yijing I is a celebration of the transition from the freshness and vitality of spring (the wood element) into summer, the season of full and mature expression (the fire element.) In 5-element theory the liver is a fresh, new, bud full of enthusiasm for life. For the bud to flourish into a thriving plant it needs careful attention in the form of water, nourishing soil and steady sunlight. In a similar way these forms nurture and attune human beings toward our most authentic expression, at our ripe moment.

This workshop will uncover the six essential qigong forms from the MogaDao repertoire that will bring us securely through this transition. We will discuss how the I-ching relates directly to these qigong forms and to our natural lives. Participants will practice and learn these six forms as a qigong hexagram.

***Please note that the final hour will be dedicated to refinement of the forms and tips on how to begin one’s own personal qigong practice at home.

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens

When: Sunday May 21st, from 12.00 to 16.00

Cost: 35 euros/ 30 for regular students

For more information contact  Χοροχώρος at 210 654 3435,

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.


5 Element Qigong Workshop

This 3- hour workshop will feature the Mogadao Seasonal Transition form: Winter to Spring

In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural laws and with the seasons. The movement between stability and transition becomes more ever- present the closer we come to our original destiny.

Yijing IV is a celebration of the transition from the wisdom and contemplation of winter (the water element) to the youthful vitality of spring (the wood element). In 5-element theory the liver is a fresh, new bud full of enthusiasm for life. In its wisdom the kidney nourishes and protects the liver in its bosom and then calls upon the heart to lead it to true manifestation.

This workshop will cover the six essential qigong forms from the MogaDao repertoire that will bring us securely through this transition. We will discuss how the Iching relates directly to these qigong forms and to our natural lives. Participants will practice and learn these six forms as a qigong hexagram.

Where: Αφανων Ηρωων 18 b, Κάντζα.

When: Sunday, March 26th, 2017 from 12.00 – 15.00

Call Mata at 697 75 08 439 for more information


Rite of Spring Qigong Event

Humans can do well to remember that we are inherent to the natural world and that we have a part to play in the inevitable cycles of change which are expressed in the seasons.

This two hour event is designed to honor the Spring Equinox. In the Gregorian calendar this is the midway point between the winter and summer solstices. We will celebrate this moment by moving in qigong forms which invoke the long transition from winter to summer.

Please arrive a few minutes early. Wear loose, comfortable clothing which permit movement. Cost: 15 euros (12 for regular qigong students.)

Where: Χοροχώρος, Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός, Αθήνα, τιλ. 210 6543435

When: Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 from 10.30 to 12.30


Autumn Equinox Qigong Ritual


Thursday, September 22nd from 10.30 to 12.30

This special 2- hour qigong event will invoke the beneficial influences of the summer to autumn transition. In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural cycles.

We will, together, practice the Mogadao Summer to Autumn transition form- Yijing II- as well as other relevant qigong forms. This set of 6 qigong forms is a physical analog to Yijing hexagram 2- Kun (Yielding). Bear in mind that this will NOT be a straight two hours of standing qigong. Instruction will be given for how to practice according to one’s individual energy level. The cost for this event will be 15 euros.

This event is open to all regardless of age, physical ability, prior experience with qigong or any other factor.

Where: Χοροχώρος- Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός, 15562
Tel: 210 6543 435
When: Thursday, Sept. 22nd from 10.30 to 12.30

Summer Solstice Qigong Ritual


Tuesday, June 21st from 10.30 to 12.30

The summer solstice is the moment, once a year, when the sun reaches its maximum intensity and then begins to decline. From time immemorial humans have celebrated this unique moment as an auspicious occasion for procreation, planting and various other events. Come celebrate the longest day of the year while learning a sacred and archetypal physical practice!
This year the summer solstice coincides with our regularly scheduled Tuesday morning qigong class. Therefore the class will be lengthened by one hour to a two hour event. Bring water and a snack for afterward. Tea will also be served afterward.

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens

For more information, email, call 210 654 3435 or 697 807 4464

5 Element Qigong Workshop


Presenting the Mogadao 5- Phase Yang Tonifying Form

In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural cycles.

The Mogadao 5-phase Yang Tonifying form is a set of 5 qigong forms, which correspond to the 5 elements, as well as the 5 primary organs of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Individually, these forms respond to specific psycho-spiritual functions of the element/ organ pairing that are inherent in our human lives. Taken together, these archetypal movements form a comprehensive set designed to nourish, balance and vitalize the entire being throughout any yang period of year, month or day.

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens

When: Saturday, June 11th, from 10.30 – 15.30

For more information, email, call 210 654 3435 or 697 807 4464

Tantra is: Sensual!

tantra sensual5a

Dear friends,

We continue the introductory Tantra series with the theme of Sensuality. The term sensuality, comes from ‘senses’, but in English it has the connotation of something that is ‘leading to’ erotic.

As humans living in this modern world it is very easy and far too common that we lose touch with our bodies. We often hear from friends and loved ones that they want to ‘get in shape’ or ‘spend more time outside’. From the perspective of Sacred Sexuality this is because humanity is increasingly disconnected from its source- the earth, nature and life which is constantly moving around us. Through vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch we relate to our world. Through this relationship we give AND receive life. Our connection to the world through the use of ALL the senses helps us to be more alive, connected and whole.

This event will showcase techniques and rituals designed to help us to feel more connected to our bodies, which in turn will integrate the whole being. We will remind ourselves of the longing and desire that is innate in us to experience ourselves, our world and eventually our lover while embodying our most authentic self.

The event is open to all, regardless of experience, whether or not you are single, in a relationship, gay, lesbian, straight, young or old. We recommend that you attend all of the events in our ‘Tantra is…’ series to experience the full effect. You may, however, attend any of the events in this series even if you have not attended the previous events.

Details: Saturday 19 March 2016 @ 18.00-21.00

Where: Χοροχώρος, Ναυαρίνου 6,Χολαργός, 2106543435

Cost: 20 euros per person/ 30 euros per couple/ 15 euro unemployed

Please confirm your attendance by 17/3. To reserve your place please email: or call 2106543435

Forward this to any friends who may be interested and feel free to visit our site for more information about us and our work at

With love,

Kalpita & Atithi

5 Element Qigong Workshop

Presenting the Mogadao 5-Phase Yin Tonifying Form


Saturday, December 5th, from 16.30 to 20.00 in Patra, Greece

“Qigong is the rite or the prayer of ancient Daoism- and since Daoism has no dogma, since it is indeed decisively anti-dogmatic, qigong and the shapes and movements which constitute qigong are very close, I think, to the spiritual shapes of what I call the Original Soul….a pure soul, a soul, that is, whose mistakes so- called are also its medicine and its cure. Qigong is the bodily experience of that soul- and the soulful experience of the body. The two move back and forth. The soul is traded with the body, and the body with the soul. And this is qigong’s deepest healing secret…” ~Zhenzan Dao

In the Mogadao 5-Phase Yin Tonifying form we accept nature’s call for stability, inwardness and to return to the self. This workshop will cover the 5 essential qigong forms from the Mogadao repertoire, which will help us arrive with presence, awareness and acceptance in winter. These 5 forms act as an anchoring point as we come to terms with all that has happened physically, emotionally and energetically in the more active seasons of spring and summer.

Where: TBA (to be announced) in Patra

When: Saturday, December 5th, from 16.30 to 20.00

Call Argiro at 261 00 03 115 or 697 73 29 350, or Panagiota at 697 43 55 868 to reserve your place. Please reserve your place by 4/12/15.

Go to for more information.

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.


Join us for an intimate journey of exploration into two profound traditions, TAOISM: the way of vitality and harmony with nature, and TANTRA: the path of acceptance, love and integration.


For millennia both Taoist and Tantric schools considered feminine and masculine energies as polarities that naturally attract each other. Feminine and masculine (yin and yang) energies contain and complete each other; they need each other to exist and to thrive. Whether we are aware of them or not these primordial energies exist within all of us. The ancient Taoists developed techniques to unite these energies within the microcosm of the individual, thereby creating universal harmony. The Tantrikas created powerful lovemaking rituals designed to draw these opposite energies toward unity with existence in sacred love relationships.

This will be a weekend of self and mutual (between partner) exploration and energy cultivation with techniques and meditations taken from both traditions.

Saturday – 11.00 to 18.00 – On the Path of Sacred Sexuality

~ An introduction to Taoist and Tantric techniques and rituals

On Saturday we will celebrate the differences between feminine and masculine sexual energies by learning physical and energetic exercises to assist the harmonization of yin and yang within the couple and the individual. We will explore the spiritual potential of our sacred union in a safe and fun environment.

Sunday – 11.00 to 18.00 – The Tantric Touch

~ A day of exploration of the senses through conscious massage

Sunday will be a day dedicated to conscious touch and physical healing through connection with the heart. The heart, in both traditions, is the spiritual center of our being. Emotional awareness, wisdom and a true loving nature are integral functions of an open heart. Conscious touch that proceeds from this center can only result in a compassionate, healing and authentic style of connection. We will practice physical touch with the consciousness of the heart.

We look so much forward to sharing and celebrating this experience with you!

Where: Χοροχώρος, Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός, 15562, Αθήνα (Athens, Greece)

– For more information and to reserve your place please call Χοροχώρος

at 210 65 43 435 or email

~ Spaces are limited! Reservation deadline: Wednesday, November 25th.

(Further practical information available after completion of the application form.)

5 Element Qigong Workshop ~ The Physical and Spiritual Significance of Mogadao Morning Medical Qigong


Saturday October 31st& Sunday November 1st, 10.30 to 13.30

“Qigong is the rite or the prayer of ancient Daoism- and since Daoism has no dogma, since it is indeed decisively anti-dogmatic, qigong and the shapes and movements which constitute qigong are very close, I think, to the spiritual shapes of what I call the Original Soul…a pure soul, a soul, that is, whose mistakes so-called are also its medicine and its cure. Qigong is the bodily experience of that soul- and the soulful experience of the body. The two move back and forth. The soul is traded with the body, and the body with the soul. And this is qigong’s deepest healing secret…” ~Zhenzan Dao

Morning Medical Qigong is a spiritually and energetically complete set of 11 archetypal qigong forms. Morning Medical Qigong accounts for the 5-elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine and carefully attends to the transitions between yin and yang in a way similar to taijichuan.

Participants will learn:

~ A fundamental series of qigong forms

~ Subtle physical details

~ Essential poetic imagery

~ A unique spiritual significance

~ Tips on beginning a solo practice

Participants are encouraged to bring a notebook and pen for taking notes, to wear loose, comfortable clothing and to bring their own special cup for sharing tea at the end.

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens

For more information email, call 210 654 3435 or 697 807 4464

Cost: 60 euros/ 55 for current students

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.

Full Moon Qigong Retreat in Livadi (Delphi)

Saturday May 2nd and Sunday, May 3rd

Come to the beautiful mountains of Parnasos for a weekend of qigong, hiking and camping in a pristine setting.


The hill pictured above was once an island in the middle of an ancient lake and was used in ceremonies.

IMG_6134Hike to Delphi

The weekend begins Saturday afternoon with an invigorating hike from the historic watershed of Delphi along the scenic European E4 trail down to Delphi, itself. We will stop for a break in the town of Delphi and return along the same route. (Approximately 4 hours, total.)


Full Moon Qigong

Saturday evening coincides with a full moon in Scorpio. Doing qigong in the light of a full moon allows us to bathe in the nourishing yin energy of the Sun’s refracted qi. This intense yin bath serves as a tonic to all kinds of yin energy imbalances (depression, sleep difficulties, arthritis, etc.) Participants should plan to dress completely in white.

Camping Under the Stars

For those that are properly equipped and comfortable sleeping out of doors in mountain temperatures, we will plan to camp that evening in the qigong space. The same small hill offers many options for camping spaces and limitless exposure to the moon, stars and fresh, spring air infused with wildflower essence. (There will also be options for indoor accommodation for that evening.)

IMG_60875-Phase Yang Tonifying Workshop

Our qi is the most pure just as we awaken, before the mind, body and spirit have had the opportunity to diverge, as happens in daily life. At an appropriate moment after waking we will enjoy tea and a light breakfast and move directly into qigong. This workshop will serve as a beautiful compliment to the true yin energy cultivated the previous night by cultivating true yang energy. (Approximately 2.5- 3 hours.)

Any true form of expression is the domain of the yang field. When one shouts, dances, kisses or weeps he or she is making a yang action. This standard qigong set represents the five most beneficial forms to tone the yang essence of the wood, fire, earth, metal & water elements. Done regularly, this set prepares us to penetrate the world with reliable yang qi and to feel confident in making right actions in our day-to-day lives.


~ 50 euros per person/ 45 for current students

Reserve your place as soon as possible by calling 697 807 4464 (after 20/4), 210 6543 435 or email

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.

61 5 Element Qigong Workshop: Mogadao Seasonal Transition Form IV, Winter to Spring: Yijing Hexagram Zhen (51)


Saturday, April 4th, from 10.00 to 14.30

In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural laws and with the seasons. The movement between stability and transition becomes more ever-present the closer we come to our original destiny.

Yijing IV is a celebration of the transition from the wisdom and contemplation of winter (the water element) to the youthful vitality of spring (the wood element). In 5-element theory the liver is a fresh, new bud full of enthusiasm for life. In its wisdom the kidney nourishes and protects the liver in its bosom and then calls upon the heart to lead it to true manifestation.

This workshop will cover the six essential qigong forms from the MogaDao repertoire that will bring us securely through this transition.  We will discuss how the I-ching relates directly to these qigong forms and to our natural lives. Participants will practice and learn these six forms as a qigong hexagram.

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens

For more information: Email, call 210 654 3435 or 697 807 4464

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.


Saturday, March 28th from 10.00 to 14.30

Women’s Sacred Sexuality Workshop: Unveiling the Rose Within

Daoism is one of the very few spiritual cosmologies, which has never oppressed feminine traits, female instincts or women in general. In fact, Daoist women have often viewed themselves in some ways superior to men. Energy stagnates if it does not change to its yang (masculine) counterpart but yin (feminine) energy is the source and the destination of the return. “Know the male, but hold to the female” comes from Lao Tzu, in the seminal text of Daoism. One might even argue that the Tao Te Ching is a “chthonic”, and therefore feminine text.

Pleasure is a doorway to the eternal and women’s bodies are finely tuned instruments of pleasure. If we understand that pleasure is born from the truth of oneself as both free to experience any and all sensation that may arise, and, at the same time, connected to the world (one’s pleasure being a part of the whole world’s pleasure) we come closer to ecstasy.

It is with these statements that you are invited to a workshop designed to expand your perception of intimacy with your most trusted partner, lover and adorer… yourself.

Please bring …

~ A notebook and pen for taking notes.

~ A snack and water.

~ Layers of clothing. The garments should be warm and loose, and allow you to move comfortably.

~ Please contact Χοροχώρος Studio (Navarinou 6, Xolargos, 15562) 210 654 3435 or email for more information. Contact us by Tuesday, March 24th to reserve your place.

Cost: 45 euros

Atithi (Brian Schock) is a Certified Mogadao Sacred Sexuality and Qigong teacher.

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.

Sacred Sexuality: Pleasure in Intimacy ~A workshop for couples

 ~with Atithi Brian Schock & Kalpita Victoria Noumta


 Valentine’s Day weekend

Saturday &Sunday, February 14th & 15th

Χοροχώρος Dance Studio

Ναυαρίνου 6, Χολαργός

Αθήνα, 15562

 Are you…

…in a new relationship or have you been together for many years?

~ Do you need more depth or energy in your relationship? Do you feel something is missing?

~ Do you feel your pleasure potential is wider than what you currently experience?

~ Would you like to explore your sexual potential as a couple?

~ Are you looking for ways to synchronize and communicate more effectively?

~ Are you interested in bringing a deeper connection to all your relationships?

~ Are you curious about ways to increase your sexual energy with your partner and have a more active sexual life?

~ Are you and your partner interested in developing a sacred sexual practice together?

~ Would you like to learn new ways to enjoy and experience pleasure together?

For millennia both Daoist and Tantric schools considered feminine and masculine energies as polarities that naturally attract each other. Feminine and masculine (yin and yang) energies contain and complete each other; they need each other to exist and to thrive. Whether we are aware of them or not these primordial energies exist within all of us. The ancient Daoists developed techniques to unite these energies within the microcosm of the individual, thereby creating universal harmony. The Tantrikas created powerful lovemaking rituals designed to draw these opposite energies toward unity with existence in sacred love relationships.

Please join us for a weekend of self and mutual (between partner) exploration and energy cultivation. We will celebrate the differences between feminine and masculine sexual energies by learning physical, emotional and energetic exercises to assist the harmonization of yin and yang within the couple and the individual. We will experiment with positions, techniques and meditations. We will explore the sensual and sexual potential of our sacred union in a safe and fun environment.

We look so much forward to sharing and celebrating this experience with you!


Please bring …

~ a notebook and pen for taking notes.

~ a sarong, a bed sheet and massage oil.

~ a snack and water.


~ Please bring layers of clothing on both days. The garments should be warm and loose.  They should allow you to move comfortably, and should help you to feel good about yourself.

~ Please contact Χοροχώρος Studio (Navarinou 6, Xolargos, 15562) 210 654 3435 or email for more information. Contact us by Thursday, February 11th to reserve your place.

Cost: 145 euros per couple


Saturday February 14th

15.30 – 19.30

Sunday, February 15th

12.00 – 18.00

Sacred Sexuality: The Daoist Lover ~ A workshop for individuals and couples

January 17th & 18th

Daoist sexual practices are profound healing techniques that go back thousands of years. They include techniques for harnessing, cultivating and refunding creative, life-force energy to be used in our daily lives, for personal growth and in sacred, loving relationship. Mogadao Sacred Daoist Sexuality is a culture of self-reverence and personal transformation, which has adapted these ancient practices for the modern age.

“MogaDao Sacred Daoist Sexuality is an entire culture of sexual acceptance and refinement, and a celebration of Eros as a poetic necessity of the soul—and a call to one’s unique destiny.”~ Zhenzan Dao

This two-day workshop is designed with the individual in mind. “One can only get to the universal through the specific.”~ ZD A deep and meaningful relationship with the self is requisite for a healthy love connection with another. Apart from providing the potential for personal transformation, this work can only enhance one’s capacity for a deep spiritual connection with a lover whether or not that connection currently exists.

We will work with three fundamental aspects of Sacred Daoist Sexuality- self-cultivation techniques, internal alchemy and archetypal qigong- for increasing vitality and individual energetic sensitivity. We will also have sharing, discussion and fun all in a safe, open-minded and accepting environment. See the schedule below for more information.


80 euros per person/ 140 euros per couple


 ~ Please wear layers of loose, comfortable clothing on both days.

 ~ Please bring a snack and water.

 ~ Please bring a notebook and pen for taking notes.

 ~ Please contact Χοροχώρος Studio, 210 654 3435 or email for more information. Contact us by January 13th to reserve your place.

 Workshop Schedule:

Saturday the 17th, 10.00- 14.30

10.00 ~ Arrival & registration

10.30 ~ The origin and vision of Mogadao Sacred Sexuality

11.00 ~ Archetypal qigong for vitality and libido


12.00 ~ Internal Alchemy 12.30 ~ Discussion on diet and personal habits

13.00 ~ Men’s meeting (Women leave for the day)

• Men’s qigong

• Self-cultivation techniques for men

• Discussion and questions

Sunday the 18th, 10.00- 14.30

10.00 ~ Women’s meeting (Men arrive at 11.30)

• Women’s qigong

• Techniques of awakening the female sensual body

• Discussion on orgasm

11.30 ~ Internal Alchemy

12.00 ~ Chinese & western Sensual Terminology


12.45 ~ 5 Element yoga for awakening the senses

13.30 ~ Discourse on Sacred Daoist Sexuality (To be determined)

14.00 ~ Closing qigong ceremony

*This is a tentative schedule and is subject to variation.

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by ZhenzanDao. 

Introduction to Sacred Daoist Sexuality

~A free presentation

In most western cultures sexuality is seen as separate from the rest of life’s daily events. Most people don’t realize that sexual energy- the sense of wonder, joy and self-awareness that comes from intimacy with the self or a partner- is also responsible for the quality of attention and energy we bring to everything we do in our lives. Sex energy is life energy.

In this 1.5 hour-long practice and discussion…

*We will discuss a few of the 13 points of Mogadao Sacred Daoist Sexuality and begin to uncover answers to questions like:

~ How can I change my mood and lift my energy?

~ What can I do to attract a suitable partner?

~ How can I become more self-aware?

~ What can I do to increase my self-esteem and self-confidence?

~ How can I lose weight and gain strength?

~ How can I increase my sexual stamina?

~ How can my partner and I enjoy a more active and healthy sex life?

~ What is a natural way to heal from chronic pain and discomfort?

~ What can I do to increase my chances of becoming pregnant?

~ What diet changes can I make to improve my sexual health?

*We will practice qigong forms designed to increase vitality and sexual qi (energy).

*We will experiment with Mogadao Internal Alchemy- a foundation for the cultivation of sexual qi (energy).

Sacred Daoist Sexuality, like Tantra, is a lifestyle that requires some discipline. It is fortunate, then that this type of discipline is enjoyable!

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, 15562, Athens

When: Friday, December 12th 2014, from 19.30 to 21.00

*Please contact Χοροχώρος Studio, 210 654 3435 or email for more information.

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by ZhenzanDao. 

5 Element Qigong Workshop

Presenting MogaDao seasonal transition form Autumn to Winter: Yijing Hexagram Gen (52)

In qigong, as in life, we are subject to transitions. Qigong reminds us that as humans and as beings in nature we must move in accordance with natural laws and with the seasons. The movement between stability and transition becomes more ever- present the closer we come to our original destiny.

In this Yijing form we explore the transition from autumn to winter, metal to water, lung to kidney. In 5-element theory the lung is discerning and wise. It gracefully embraces its intimate connection with its life energy source, the kidney, and responds to the call to return to innocence.

This workshop will cover the essential qigong forms from the MogaDao repertoire that will bring us securely through this transition. We will discuss yin-yang theory and 5-element theory and practice these six forms as a qigong hexagram.

Where: Χοροχώρος Dance Studio, Navarinou 6, Holargos, Athens

When: Saturday, December 6th 2014, from 10.00 – 14.30

For more information email or call 210 654 3435

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao.